Step Up

We should have some exciting news coming soon regarding the next phase of this project. Watch this space!

Funded by the Youth Futures Foundation, Step Up is PLIAS Resettlement project designed to support 120 young people aged 16-24 in Brent and Harrow who are unemployed/NEET and involved in or on the cusp of the criminal justice system. 65-70% participants will be from BAME communities. They will be provided with an average of 6-9 months of weekly case management support, with at least 3 months (and up to 12 months) of weekly mentoring, support with training, IAG support and job-focused qualifications.

This is a full evaluated project that will inform future PLIAS Resettlement youth projects.

This project is funded by the Youth Futures Foundation.

Additional Information

Project Criteria

To qualify for this support you should be:

  • Male or Female
  • Aged 16-24
  • Brent and Harrow resident
  • Unemployed
  • Have a criminal record or be at risk of offending