Since its inception in February 2024, our monthly coffee morning has rapidly become a vital gathering for victims and survivors of domestic abuse, attracting over 32 participants within just three months. These events provide a crucial safe space for women to connect, offering not just refreshments, but a lifeline that bridges the gap of loneliness and isolation. Particularly for those who have experienced domestic abuse, these gatherings foster companionship and support.
Attendees of the coffee mornings have the opportunity to share their stories, exchange advice, and learn from one another’s experiences. This supportive environment helps them feel heard and understood, playing a pivotal role in empowering women to overcome their challenges and rebuild their lives. By offering a safe space for sharing and mutual support, our coffee mornings serves as a beacon of hope and resilience on the journey toward healing and recovery.
In May, the theme for our coffee morning was “Write the vision down, make it plain so when you read it, you can run with it.” We invited our clients to create vision boards for themselves, mapping out their aspirations for the next 18 months. This exercise was designed to stimulate their thinking and shift their mindset to a positive place. The results were outstanding, with participants producing inspiring and hopeful visions for their futures.
Looking ahead, we plan to expand the coffee mornings to include health and well-being events, discussions, and opportunities for cultural exchange focusing on food, fashion, and other aspects relevant to the diverse backgrounds of our participants.
Case Study: Client A’s Journey to Empowerment
Client A attended her first coffee morning in March 2024 after suffering from financial abuse and isolation by her husband. She arrived distraught and without money. During the coffee morning, she was encouraged to recognise her own worth by our caseworker and the other women in the group. Together, we explored various avenues she could take to change her life.
It was discovered that Client A had experience in the medical field from another country and aspired to find employment in that area. In our one-on-one sessions, we developed a plan for her to seek assistance and sit for an exam that would enable her to practice medicine in the UK. She took action, sat her exam, and while awaiting the results, she pursued a part-time job. Simultaneously, we began working on a safety plan for her to leave her abusive relationship.
In May 2024, Client A joyfully informed the group that she had passed her exams and secured a position as a General Practitioner in the local area. She has arranged to have Wednesdays off so that she can continue to attend the coffee mornings and possibly volunteer.
Client A expressed her gratitude, saying, “This coffee morning is like a lifeline to me. I am so grateful that I found it and was able to meet good, helpful people.”
Our coffee mornings continue to be a transformative space where women can find support, share experiences, and rebuild their lives, exemplified by the remarkable journey of Client A.