I Am Brent

Addressing the root causes and effects of violence affecting young people in the London Borough of Brent.

PLIAS Resettlement is a member of a local consortium called I Am Brent which includes Step Up Hub (lead organisation), Sport at the Heart, Connect Stars, United Borders and Hilltop. PLIAS Resettlement is working with these organisations to address the root causes and effects of violence affecting young people in the London Borough of Brent.

I Am Brent is part of the Mayor of London’s flagship violence reduction programme, known as MyEnds. It is a place-based violence reduction initiative that adopts a public health approach. The consortium is providing an array of positive opportunities for young people and support for families, including through tailored interventions. The programme also aims to improve statutory and voluntary organisation networks and access to referral, and to ensure the voices of young people and community members are built into provision. The work is focused on the Church Road Estate, Stonebridge Estate, St Raphael’s Estate, Chalkhill Estate and Harlesden Town Centre areas.

PLIAS Resettlement, working closely with United Borders, are delivering the following:

  • Pre-release engagement
  • Intensive Trauma informed mentoring
  • One to one casework support
  • Employability support
  • Psychotherapy
  • Family Support

Funded by:

Mayor Of London’s Violence Reduction Unit

Additional Information

Project Criteria:

  • Male or female
  • Aged 16-25
  • Brent resident, Specifically Church Road, Stonebridge, St Raphael’s, Chalkhill and Harlesden Town Centre
  • At risk of violence/offending/victimisation


To refer, please complete the following referral form:



Angelina Cox